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This Canadian Startup Is Streamlining the Textile Industry
Mar 07, 2023

I spent the last 15 years working in and around textiles.
As a young, female textile specialist, I was constantly taken back by how antiquated the whole industry is. The lack of good data, tracking, and documentation of textiles led me to quote literally “write the book” on textiles to try democratize the industry.

Later, while working as a textile sourcing specialist, I found myself more than once asking and being asked: “How can it be so long to find so little”.

The process was so time consuming that we were loosing efficiency. There simply wasn’t any way to see available, production ready textiles, and certainly nothing that would let me search by industry specific attributes. This is when after endless searches to find a solution that could help us, and that nothing
of such existed.

I chose to build it and to fix this industry.
