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Apply the Pareto principle wisely –  and boost productivity by 4X
Mar 06, 2024

Anton Skornyakov educates and supports organizations in reliably delivering results on unpredictable projects. He accomplishes this by helping to modify the structure of how people collaborate to enhance understanding, foster responsible behavior, and promote ownership across the organization.

Trained as a mathematician and physicist, Anton pivoted his career towards entrepreneurship and business coaching. This transition was sparked by realizing what truly matters now: human collaboration. He believes that creating a world where humans can collaborate effectively, despite all our differences, is the ultimate challenge of the 21st century.

This drive is at the heart of his work at Agile.Coach, a company he co-founded and is leading. Here, he has had the privilege of coaching a wide range of organizations and thousands of people, teaching them how to work more efficiently and effectively. The essence of these experiences, stories, and principles is the basis of his upcoming book, "The Art of Slicing Work" set to be published in early 2024.

A selection of organizations Anton has worked with (and that can be mentioned publically):
- Siemens
- German Foundation for Commitment and Volunteering
- Future Matters Project
- Staffbase
- Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany
- Dussmann
- Stiftung Bürgermut
- IHK Digital
- Roche
- 100+ other organizations

Ready to talk? Contact me at

#businesscoaching #humanorientedsystems #projectmanagement #organizationalchange #entrepreneurship #nonprofit #management #systemsthinking #slicingwork #scrum #agile #leadership
