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A Guide to Effective Employee Performance Management
Nov 06, 2023

Human engagement has been deemed non-essential.

Healthcare consumers want their first encounter with a physician to be digital. This makes digital front doors an essential part of a patient’s overall healthcare experience.

They’ve come to expect a cyber welcome and full emotional experience before booking an appointment with a prospective physician. Although we saw this change approaching, it came into fruition far ahead of schedule due to social distancing prompted by the coronavirus pandemic.

The POST-COVID patient doesn’t simply Google a topic, or search for answers to questions. They search for reassurance. They want to know that you understand where they’re coming from. So, your content should speak to the topic and address these concerns. This requires the implementation of conscientious language.

The days of keyword optimizing the hell out of content to attract patients have long but faded. In 2021, it’s all about speed and behavioral awareness. Outdated pre-Covid predictors of your patients’ digital behaviors just won’t do. Neither will topping up your PPC budget to buy up swaths of online real estate. Now is the time to stretch your hard earned dollars and maximize your returns by giving your patient a positive online content experience.

My content has appeared everywhere from eBay to Google, Luminex to Healthline, and many web addresses in between. I’ve worked hard to bridge the gap between physicians and their patients online, but there’s only so much reach one person can achieve. This Is why I started the Khan & Sterling Group.

To learn more about the Khan & Sterling Group and how we can help grow your clinic, please visit our page here on LinkedIn — or message me with any questions and I’ll be happy to help.
