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EPISODE 360  How To Use Content & Storytelling To Grow Your Business with Aprille Franks
Feb 04, 2021
Podcast Episode

Feminine Conscious Business Coach, Aprille Franks is the Founder of Women Recharged, parent to EPICWOMAN and Aprille & Co. As a master community builder, content creator and launch strategist to women entrepreneurs. Her super power is transforming the business and personal lives of the women connected to her. Her ability to galvanize online communities through attraction content marketing is inspiring and duplicable through her coaching model.

Aprille’s mission is to develop more women leaders so they are empowered to empower others, to help her clients make more money through entrepreneurship; which also allows them to create job opportunities that pay women fairly. Her clients are looking to change their lives, impact others and make a great living while doing it WITHOUT subscribing to hustle culture while operating in their divine feminine energy.

Also a five times author and a two times film producer, Aprille creates powerful content across various platforms and believes sharing content is the best way for women’s stories/expertise to be told.

When Aprille isn't traveling, you can find her in Las Vegas, dancing, spending time with family or laughing really loud!

Learn more about Aprille via her Youtube Channel, www.epicwoman.TV

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