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How should CMOs brand themselves?
Mar 07, 2023
What CEOs and CMOs want from each other
Feb 02, 2023

I unearth competitive advantages and position organisations for sustainable growth through strategic marketing initiatives and innovation.

I have set up business centric marketing teams and empowered them to achieve 20X RoI through innovation, enhanced customer experience, and strategic alliances and partnerships. I have worked closely with finance, operations and talent teams to drive synergies and enhance business outcomes.

Some of my proudest achievements include

Influencing and empowering 10,000+ risk and compliance professionals to make ethical business decisions

Establishing the India Corporate Fraud Perception Survey report as a brand. The report, over a decade has remained a polestar for governance professionals, the media and regulators to understand the state of corporate fraud

Developing India’s first B2B fraud risk assessment tool

Nurturing and leading a high performing cross functional team

I am also passionate about empowering women to advance in their careers. In 2017, I founded the Women Leaders of Sarjapur Road (a Lean In circle). I am the author of Seize Your Career, a book documenting the experiences of women in white collar jobs. I have also developed a proprietary assessment based framework for career management called the Happy Hexagon, which empowers women professionals to own their careers. I regularly speak and write on issues impacting opportunities for women at the workplace and how they can effectively manage their careers.

Views expressed are personal.
