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I started college late at 21 years old.

I always had the heart of an entrepreneur, but I was slow to take the leap. And I massively lacked in skill set.

I took that as a challenge.

I started out as a French-speaking SEO specialist (and I knew exactly ZERO about SEO or marketing.)

I managed to turn that into an agency job.

And then a better one.

I officially dropped out of college right around this point.

Then I became a Senior Manager at a $10B company.

All of my skills compounded, and I built an audience alongside that growth.

I became a CMO at age 28 and helped that company go from 0 employees and $40K MRR to a fully functioning team and $250K MRR.

I don't know much, but I know these things inside and out:

• Marketing leadership
• Audience building
• Growth marketing
• Career Growth
• Remote work

My mission now is pretty simple:

1. Provide an awesome life for my family
2. Build the things I want and grow them at my pace
3. Serve marketers and founders by giving away everything I've learned

If that resonates with you and you want tons of free insights, you've come to the right place.

If not, we can still be friends :)

Feel free to email me at:

And follow me on Twitter at:

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