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Brad Ball of Liquis Digital Talks Patience and Focusing on Helping VS Selling
Jul 29, 2023
Podcast Episode
The 7Ps of Marketing and Core Principles to Build a Perfect Strategy
Jul 20, 2023

Do you want more patients for your Med Spa or Dental Practice?

A predictable stream of new quality patients, so that you can go to bed at night not worrying about if you have enough patients to keep your practice growing.

I know there are a lot of hats to wear in your business, and marketing is a big one. It’s the lifeline to new potential customers and ultimately growing your practice.

Effective marketing requires a lot of time, attention, and knowledge to develop and execute a plan that actually works and drives the right patients into your business.

What we typically see happening in practices today...

👉 Your social media efforts are not resulting into customers.
👉 Running some paid ads turned into throwing away some money on a failed experiment.
👉 No one is visiting your website & taking action.

At this point most of your business is coming from referrals. Which isn’t bad, referrals are some of the best leads you can get for your business. The problem is you don’t know when the next one is coming.

Does any of this sound familiar?

At this point you know you need a dependable way to drive more patients into your clinic now…
👉 A way that doesn’t require all of your time.
👉 A way that you know is going to work.
👉 And a way that isn’t going to cost you money with no return.

You need an experienced team that is going to do the heavy lifting and drive more quality patients into your clinic, and work with you to keep your practice growing.

And most importantly you need a team you can trust!

Hi my name is Brad Ball founder of Liquis Digital, We are a genuine family owned agency, and we’ve been helping business 10x their growth for over 14 years now.

We’ve had the opportunity to work with 100’s of different businesses and we know what works and what doesn’t.

We are focused on getting you results… using a holistic, omnipresent marketing approach.

Our focus is getting paying customer butts in your chairs.

👉 If it means Facebook & Instagram ads, great!
👉 If that means scaling an organic TikTok account, great!
👉 If that means creating a marketing automation, then that’s what we’re doing.

It means we’re doing whatever needs done to achieve the results you need to grow and scale your clinic, because we’re focused on the actual results.

If you want to grow and scale your practice quickly...

I’d like to offer you a complementary 30-minute call where we can talk about any specific challenges you’re facing at the moment with growing and scaling your practice.

It’s simple, just click the link in my bio, or DM me "Let's Grow"!

podcast episode