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5 amazing examples of how to use customer insights - The Crowdfire blog
Nov 19, 2021
How to Create a Customer Testimonial Page That Converts (+ Examples) - The Crowdfire blog
Aug 17, 2021
How to use content marketing to create your unique brand voice - The Crowdfire blog
Jan 06, 2021

Your SaaS product solves a problem that your prospects have. But getting them to make that connection is causing both of you time and money.

They're struggling to see the value it provides, and you're struggling to convey it to them. And in turn, fewer people are converting. You get the picture.

It's not the end of the world, and I can help you bridge that gap so your conversion rates can start increasing.


I'll research your customers until I understand what keeps them up at night. I'll find out what they're talking about and what's really bothering them.

Not only do their words matter, but their actions too. How are they navigating your site and what are they interested in?

Not sure? No problem! Here's where we use behavioral analytics so their actions can say what they're not.


It's because no one understands a prospect better than a prospect. The research phase might show you that what you think is important doesn't rank high (or at all) on a prospect's list.

Everything I do. Each word I write. And every wireframe I create is data-driven. So, rest assured, there's no guesswork.

Want more conversions like yesterday? Then let's talk!
