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Carl Sajous | How to Show Up Authentically Every time
Nov 21, 2023
Podcast Episode

What gets me tripped up most about an "About Me"?

Just about everything.

With that in mind, I've copied & pasted below an entire section of a personality profile test I took last year that seemed to capture me well in a few paragraphs:


Preferring to care for others and to help them in practical and tangible ways, Carl uses his quietly personal warmth to communicate this feeling. Carl needs to be aware of being taken advantage of by other people. Carl holds very firm beliefs about a few key matters and will defend these views against all odds. If he feels he is being put under too much unnecessary pressure, Carl may dig his heels in and double down.

Carl's desire to get things done at any cost is matched by his need to consider the effect on others. Carl is seen as a gentle, caring, and sensitive person who keeps many of his intensely personal ideals and values to himself. If viewed as irrelevant to driving outcomes, Carl may withdraw psychologically from an event, without revealing his true intentions. Carl does not believe that conflict must always be resolved face-to-face. Carl prefers to be more supportive than directive. Carl is a very good sounding board, excelling in negotiating and calming conflict.

Although reserved on the outside, Carl cares deeply inside. Ever concerned with efficiency, (“a place for everything and everything in its place”), Carl may neglect the human element, unwittingly causing stress in the process. Carl's primary desire is to be of service to other people. He has strong family ties and to keep in close contact is an essential part of his makeup. Appearing mostly as calm and in control, Carl much prefers harmony and cooperation to conflicting situations, although this stance may disguise the hidden fist that waits for release.


"The Sky's Not the Limit - It's just the View"

podcast episode