Follow me on Twitter: @cathymcknight
I have a passion for working with companies to maximize their potential for success and profitability by helping them solve their content and martech challenges by building realistic strategic roadmaps to their definition of success. From web content management (WCM) to social to marketing automation platforms, I help clients understand the value of content and marketing/content technology and put it to use to embrace their digital transformation from being information based to engagement-focused. As an analyst, consultant, strategist, speaker, and writer on topics related to content and technology, the digital workplace, employee engagement, and social media, I will get on any soapbox to advocate and help build successful communities both within and around the enterprise.
A hybrid with deep experience in consulting, communications, and project management Cathy has provided strategies and implementation roadmaps to dozens of companies from Fortune 100 to not-for-profits.
Specialties: *Content, WCM, CMS, Intranets, Digital Workspace, Corporate Communications, Project Management, Web 2.0, Consulting, Social Media, Web Engagement, Marketing Automation