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LinkedIn Ads Entertaining? - Ep 122
Jan 22, 2024
Podcast Episode
 How to Get an 80% Discount on your LinkedIn Ads Traffic: An Interview with Chandler Quintin
Jan 18, 2024
Podcast Episode

My name is Chandler— I was born prior to, but yes, like Chandler from ‘Friends’ (RIP buddy).

Although my network, friends, and my late mother (RIP, Mom!) consider me an “advertising professional”, I see myself as someone who’s simply in love with “ideas”.

Ideas turn into movements; add data and boom— you’re now creating momentum. Simple! Well, not that simple, but you get it.

Since my first agency job at Razorfish, through the first couple agencies I created, to Video Brothers— I have helped and worked with brands all around the world to attempt to conquer the intricacies of marketing and advertising and win.

Some people like hiking, basketball, or painting— I like ideas. The ideas I love the most are the ones that can shift perception— like turning a stale brand into the cat's pajamas. I play with ideas amongst the best brands in the world like LEGO, Google, and Bose by taking creative, data, and strategy by the horns.

I find humor in every challenge, and I’m not afraid to wear every emotion on my sleeve for the betterment of a room full of people making difficult decisions.

I challenge the way things are normally done as that is where progress is made. For that, some people love me and a few people hate me— but the common denominator is that we all had fun, didn’t we?

My latest mission is to fundamentally shift the landscape of Advertising, by proving to the world that brands that entertain, gain.

Follow along as I completely misuse LinkedIn to spread the good word on ADtainment— the latest creation from Video Brothers. At the very least… I promise to give you at least one good idea.

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