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How to Use Product Reviews to Amp Up Ecommerce Sales
Dec 03, 2021

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How to Use Product Reviews to Amp Up Ecommerce Sales
Dec 03, 2021

Hey there!
Ché here (like the butter, not Guevara) and I've got news for you:

Like a bad joke starting with, "so, a zebra walks into a bar..."
your audience walks into 4,000 to 10,000 ads. A day. (Ouch — and also semi-invasive, right?)

So how can you, a brilliant Brand with stellar things to sell and say, break through the noise, become up to 22x more memorable, and PART the sea of sameness like a digital Moses?

Well, by doing what others in your industry are too stubborn to do: turn the focus on conversion to CONNECTION, and catalyze your people through your psychologically-backed Brand Story.


For the past 12+ years I've used the art of words and the science of Story to turn passive passersby into diehard fans.

Why? I'm bored of being bored in business, and in the loose words of Seth Godin:

Marketing should engage, capture imagination, and inspire, and if your business isn't doing that then you're adding to the noise.

I've teamed up with some really cool, forward-thinking Brands (King's Hawaiian, GoDaddy x the Super Bowl, Dell, for impactful results:
*won the Communicator Award for making UFC Gym more inclusive
*average a 4X return on investment through community building
*sold out Toyota's eco-forward car in 14 minutes flat
*made companies like GoDaddy and Dell relevant again through major rebrands
*cemented national partnerships and up to $30,000 in grants for small businesses during shutdown

I believe each of us were made to come alive in our unique gifts + audacious vision, and the power of our words and stories will help you do just that.

So, if you're bored of boring others and want to stand out with your Brand out, connect with me. I'm laser-focused on your business success and will help you get results:
to make "good trouble" (RIP John Lewis) , disrupt convention, and nurture people along with your profit.


--> Peruse Client Impact stories I'm jazzed about:
--> Hosting an event? I'll move your audience to dream bigger; do better:
