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15Five Increased Rep Transparency by 10x
Case Study

In 2nd grade, I started my own small business. Combining two passions, sewing rudimentary sachets and organizing my friends, I recruited 5 playmates and started a Sunday School classroom workshop with little fingers furiously turning out potpourri-filled sachets that we then sold to our friends and families.

It's been 17 years and countless in-house businesses since my first entrepreneurial pursuit but I haven't lost my love of creating and supporting small businesses. I grew up playing with Excel spreadsheets instead of video games and am now applying my undergraduate education in business, finance, and marketing to helping small businesses thrive.

In 2015, I graduated with honors from Grove City College where I specialized in Entrepreneurship and won several business plan and elevator pitch competitions. Today, I'm currently focusing my efforts on crafting a solid financial foundation for 15Five, a fast-growing startup helping employees everywhere be their Best Selves. In fact, Inc. Magazine named us a 2019 Best Place to Work.

case study