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Christopher King's Nimble Approach to Connecting with Intent in Consulting
Jul 10, 2023
Case Study

Who we are:

King Connections

King Connections is a business consulting firm consisting of principle-minded, purpose-driven, and action-oriented entrepreneurs who are committed to servant leadership and living with the intent to create value in the world.
We created value through real estate and business development with a higher purpose mindset utilizing the power of social capital to generate financial capital.

The greatest challenge that conscious entrepreneurs have is raising capital for their real estate-related initiatives. We at King Connections create connectionally intelligent tribes that help conscious leaders to build and grow their social capital and then leverage it to raise financial capital for their business and/or real estate by utilizing our Connecting with Intent formula that defines the process for communicating with social impact investors.

Who I am:
I am a conscious leader who is principle-centered, action-oriented, results-focused, growth-minded, and a servant leader who accepts accountability and I possess a grateful spirit.

My focus and purpose in life are to build connectionally intelligent tribes of conscious leaders committed to making miracles happen.

My Skills:
I can align, inspire, and build a tribe of like-purpose leaders by guiding them through a process in which they create a mission statement and guiding principles.

I am value-driven and action-oriented. I have mastered a specific system I implement every day so I can get more done in less time.

I am results-focused - I know how to clarify a message. I am able to guide a tribe through a framework in which they create a clear message promoting any product or vision so customers and stakeholders engage.

I believe that all small business owners and particularly conscious leaders are suffering from the following three pain points:
Raising Capital
Generating Revenue from their social cause or mission
Financial Modeling and Structuring - Business plan margins, etc
Connections with Social Impact Investors

Target Market: Conscious Leaders seeking to raise capital for their businesses.
Conscious Leaders as defined by businesses that are mission-driven and seek to make a positive measurable impact either environmentally or socially. Conscious Real Estate Developers as well. They are seeking capital and always need help with their financial models.

case study