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Why tech billionaires are buying up California farmland
Jul 20, 2024
Podcast Episode

I cover Google and technology for The New York Times. There are basically two themes. The first is how Google the company is changing the world. The second is how Google's products are changing the world.

My job is to pick away at those stories in every place The Times will let me: On Twitter, through posts on our Bits blog, in Business, in Culture, on the front page. I am happiest when I am writing a deeply reported story that involves a great character. The below link on "Nadeshot" - a YouTube star who makes $1 million a year playing Call of Duty - is an all-time favorite of mine. But the road to a big story usually begins with a blog post and a small story, so I write wherever I can.

I do not need any more PR pitches so please refrain from sending. But if you have a tip or a scoop or something that can help me better understand Google and its universe of products and suppliers, feel free to drop a line. I am at

podcast episode