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★ "The best compliment that I can pay Cori is to simply say that, "She gets it." ★

✔You know you're a writer when...

People ask what you do but look confused when you tell them.

✔You know you're a writer when...

Wincing is your first instinct when you see typos.

✔You know you're a writer when...

You collect notebook apps and nifty pens instead of other weird things.

Like rocks. Or bugs.

✔You know you're a writer when...

You love playing with words more than you love chocolate. (Oh, what blasphemy!)


Now you know I'm a writer. A wordsmith-for-hire. I'm also an indie author. But I digress.

Let’s talk about you instead. (No, no, don’t cringe.)

If you’re reading this, you’re probably not much of a writer yourself. Or maybe I’m wrong, and you’re actually a fab writer. That’s cool too, I’m not here to steal your thunder.

Still. At the end of the day, you're busy. You have schedules, deadlines, and a long list of "stuff" to do, professional and otherwise.


You just never. have. time. to write a single. dang. word.

☝ You know your website needs a copy makeover.
☝ You know you need blog content, but have no time to write it.
☝ You know your materials and messaging aren't saying what you need them to say.
☝ You know all of it, ALL OF THE WORDS, could use a good pass with an editor.
☝ And you know your competition is NAILING this stuff and blowing you out of the water.

I promise, it's not your fault.

Your competition is no doubt using a secret weapon... as in, they wised up, cried "uncle," and hired a professional freelance copywriter to help them do all of the above.

But that means it's time for you wise up too and get your own secret weapon.

Just so happens, I know a gal, who knows a gal.

Email me and let's talk words. YOUR words. (Because they matter.)

Specialties: web copy, blog writing, ghostwriting, tag lines, business names, bio pages, about pages, editing, rewriting, and all things words.
