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The Basics Of Financing Your Business (When You Aren't Sure Where To Start)
Sep 17, 2019

Dacia Thompson is a student (both in the classroom and of life) + a budding scientist & entrepreneur you may say she's a quintessential Jamaican girl living in the USA. As a student in the field of Clinical Laboratory Science with focus in Microbiology, Hematology, Pathology & Genetics, she aims to build a reputation of an influential Allied Health Professional.

Thompson is the founder and operator behind Chillology: A bespoke small batch tea company born to encourage slower moments at home.. As a firm believer in the mantra “Your health is your wealth” Dacia often shares her love for traveling, her simple yet meaningful approach to life, and her outdoor adventures, whether that be hiking, bike riding or just going for a walk as well as her love for cooking and juicing it up in the kitchen.

Dacia is currently focused growing her small business, expanding her entrepreneurship portfolio, academic studies and climbing the career ladder.
