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Commonly asked questions about our recently launched Photorealistic 3D Tiles
Sep 25, 2023
Photorealistic 3D Tiles now in Preview with updated daily quotas
Sep 25, 2023

I am passionate about creating solutions that leverage geospatial technology for city building/built environments, social connection and environmental justice. With over 16 years of experience in product management, geospatial technology, urban planning, and geodesign, I now lead immersive maps products at Google Maps Platform.

In my previous roles, I managed both B2B and B2C products centered around geodata collection, production, acquisition, and content management for Arup (AEC engineering consulting) and Niantic (creator of real-world mobile games such as Pokémon GO). I delivered research-driven product features that built Niantic's 15M global Wayspot database (Wayfarer) and sourced and acquired new types of geodata to support Niantic Lightship. I also have experience as a geospatial analyst and urban planner in various sectors and regions including rail infrastructure, airports, and public parks.
