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"It was a great space to reach out and ask for help" | Sales Enablement Summit Seattle - attendee testimonials
Jun 28, 2023
Case Study

My first brush with sales happened when I was 9 years old selling marbles on the playground, I've been hooked ever since.

I've started multiple businesses, some failed, one was sold successfully and my current venture is growing every year.

But it wasn't always growing.

I started Delega in 2020 and it focused solely on helping small businesses gain an online presence. Then in early 2022, disaster. Half of my clients closed shop!

I had to pivot, I needed to pivot.

Needing a way find clients, I looked for tools and saw the crazy value LinkedIn offered.

I discovered social selling.

I've since used LinkedIn to book meetings and sign clients from across the world who are making hundreds of millions of dollars.

By using The Social Selling System I developed, I've been able to help executives, and salesmen do the exact same thing.

I post 10 times a week and in the past 6 months I have generated over 500 000 views leading to multiple business opportunities, expanding my network with incredible people and growing my business with social selling.

Social Selling is the combination of profile, content and engagement to increase your sales and get more clients without being 'that guy' on LinkedIn that always advertises their business with a special promotion.

I work with executives and sales professionals to help them use LinkedIn as it was meant to be used: as a sales tool.

Send me a message and I'll show you how.

🚀 "...I would give recommendation to his services with complete confidence in the work that he does." Akholiwe Fetsha

🚀 "Daniel Martin is one of the most articulate, hardworking and dedicated young people I've ever worked with..." Nkagare Makhudu

🚀 "Daniel presents himself and his business in an exciting and engaging manner, He is passionate about what he does and goes the extra mile for his clients. I highly recommend his knowledge, skills and services." Sheldon Roothman

🚀 "His clarity in purpose to assist his customers is clear in all his work." Janine Basel

John 3:16

case study