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Top 5 Inbound Marketing Stories of the Week: Share Blog Responsibilities
Mar 07, 2023

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Top 5 Inbound Marketing Stories of the Week: Share Blog Responsibilities
Mar 07, 2023

Blogging was a medium that I stumbled upon by accident in 2002 after following a link in an email from a friend. Little did I know that just 18 months later I'd be one of the world's first professional bloggers and making a living from blogging.

Out of writing a personal blog that covered everything from politics, to religion, to cultural observations I launched Digital Photography Blog in 2003. This quickly grew in both readership and I began to experiment with making a little money from it to pay its server costs. In time it grew into a part time job and then into my full time focus.

Today I work on two blogs -, which are read by around 5 million visitors per month.

As someone with no background in tech or web development I'm constantly amazed at the journey I've been on since 2002 and have a passion for helping others on that same path.

While I've been at this for a while I'm no expert and am certainly not the biggest blogger going around. I'm just one of millions of normal people around the world using tools like blogging and social media to make a living online.

Previously I co-founded numerous businesses including 'Third Tribe Marketing' and 'b5media blog network'. I've also had the privilege to co-author a paper book 'ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six Figure Income' (Wiley) and founded the ProBlogger Training Event in Australia - attended annually by over 550 Australian bloggers.

I love to speak at conferences and events on the topic of blogging, social media, building a personal brand, entrepreneurship (and more) and am more than open to be approached from media for comment on such topics. Learn more about booking me as a speaker for your next event at

If we're not connected already on LinkedIn feel free to hit the connect button here on my profile and use the email address

I look forward to connecting with you!
