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In this era of digitalization, I connect with people who are dreamers, believers, doers, and achievers. I'm a LISTENER and my work is to listen to my existing and potential customers.

In the last 10 years, I transformed from a salesperson to customer experience specialist because I have been part of problem-solving stages:

# Finding people who are looking to solve big problems by providing a product or service.
# Listening to their idea, concepts, thoughts.
# Documenting all the conversations about the idea or concept.
# Preparing a roadmap on how we can create a product or platform which can serve the initial purpose (MVP / POC level).
# Creating concrete Requirement documents to freeze concept or to create a boundary where we can release a product.
# With time I became a certified scrum master and I started involved in project management and working on the potential of the team.
# Experience is not how many years one has spent but it's about how many different types of systems one has developed or been part of.

My Questions to someone who is looking to build a system:

# Which problem are you going to solve?
# What is your relationship to the problem?
# Who is your target audience?
# What is your potential market size? Does 2% market capture serves the purpose of development for you?
# Are you looking for POC or MVP level solution? Do you believe in the feedback and upgrade models?
# Are you open to a quick call worth 10 minutes? (Sometimes 10 minutes conversation can solve a problem of 10K minutes or more)

Let's connect and do something really awesome!
