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How Diamond Lee Solves Problems Through Digital Products
Aug 11, 2023

Yes, while my profile is just a drop in the bucket compared to all of the millions of Linkedin profiles, it's a person's life experiences that makes them different from everyone else.

Getting married and becoming a mother at a young age resulted in a failed marriage and an unfinished degree. However those experiences were needed because without them, I would be a carbon copy of most people that I come across on a daily basis. After my divorce in 2015, I set out to find a way to make it out of the perpetual state of despair that I felt everyday as I left my daughter to go work at a job that I hated.

That birthed my company The Wealth Wiz in 2016. During the next four years I would go on to remarry, build up my company and help over 300 women scale their businesses to quit their jobs.

But then 2020 happened. Several family members (including my grandmother) died and my life was absolutely flipped upside down. Businesses were shutting down, and I lost so many independent contracts that I thought my business was the next to go. Somehow I survived, but 2020 taught me that I needed to go after what I've always loved since I was a small child...Real estate.

So in addition to my rebrand HerDesign Media & Co that was launched in 2021, I've also become a licensed real estate agent because I absolutely love real estate.

Update: I'm now a general contractor... hello GROWTH!

Since the birth of my company HerDesign Media & Co, I’ve helped over 11,000 people create passive income building and scaling online businesses.

My current main focus is my company HerDesign Media & Co, which helps people build brands that shine online. I've used my almost 7 years of digital marketing, coding, and graphic design experience to create interactive online programs and offer 1-1 services that changed the lives of thousands.

Maybe not the quintessential fairytale, but it's MY fairytale.

Let's connect!

Hope you enjoyed my story! :)
