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Designing a campaign for holiday sales with GoDaddy Studio
Sep 28, 2023
Building connections: Ideas to promote your event with GoDaddy Studio
Sep 28, 2023
File formats: JPEG, PNG, PDF - What's the difference?
Sep 28, 2023
The easiest way to boost social engagement? Video.
Sep 28, 2023

I'm a broad-spectrum creative strategist and practitioner, two decades deep in the realm of content. I have extensive experience in magazine publishing, and subsequently content marketing for brands. My most notable professional skills include Content Strategy, Concept Development, Copywriting, Video production, Photography and Curation. Exceptional communicator, with a Master's degree in Media Theory & Practice from the University of Cape Town, a Bachelor's degree in Film, Media & Visual Studies from the same institution, and a degree in Cinematography from AFDA. .

I'm passionate about creative individuals taking their livelihood into their own hands, and am currently fascinated by the new frontier of civic sovereignty in Web3.0.
