Emilia Tanase

Emilia Tanase

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3 Tips to Overcome Discount Fatigue in Your Email Marketing

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3 Tips to Overcome Discount Fatigue in Your Email Marketing

Struggling with low engagement rates, free trials that don’t convert as much as they should or coming up with a DRIP campaign that finally moves the needle?

I turn email campaigns into conversion rockstars by writing copy with extra added flavour your subscribers won’t be able to resist.

What you get:

☑️ The all-in-one email strategy that meets your business where it’s at and takes it to that next level
☑️ The said copy with extra spice that reignites the spark between your brand and your email list
☑️ The gold nuggets you need to catapult your conversion rate all day every day

Want to chat?
Pick a time in my calendar and let’s discuss your project on a 20-minute discovery call

👉 https://calendly.com/emiliatanase/strategy

I post daily email-related content on my LinkedIn 💎


“Working with Emilia has been a true performance for us! We’ve seen results from our very first collaboration. That’s the guarantee that I can continue to scale by working with her. She knows exactly what to do.” - Mary C.U.
