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Maximize DEI in Hiring: 6 Actionable Ways
Oct 26, 2023

I believe deeply in the power of art to positively transform both people and communities. I have over 15 years experience working as a performance maker and producer on dance, community and festival projects throughout Australia and Internationally, including with Vrystaat Festival (South Africa), ANTI Festival (Finland), Sydney Festival (NSW) Dancehouse, FOLA, Melbourne Fringe Festival, Next Wave (Vic), Tracks (NT), Dark Mofo, Mona Foma, Tasdance, Ten Days on the Island, Festival of Voices, Junction Arts Festival and Tasmania Performs (Tas).

In my current role as Co-Creative Director of Assembly 197 and Executive Producer of Situate Art in Festivals, I'm really interested in performance and art-making models that connect people and places. I want to create and produce tourable live, visual art, and festival events that can be delivered in any community, in any country, to produce rich experiences that speaks directly to the place, the people, and communities who help create it.
