If you use Facebook ads for your business, then you’re in the right place.
Hi, it’s Eric here,
Over the years, I've worked on more than $100,000,000 in ad spend and worked with more than 1200 businesses representing Facebook teaching them how to harness the platform.
I saw hundreds of agencies who didn't know what they were talking about being PAID to run ads for businesses who needed their ads to work.
I had to do something about it.
So I created Slingshot Media Consulting to empower business owners who feel "held hostage" by their agency.
A lot of these agencies don't know what they don't know and are well-meaning, but just don't have enough variety or volume in experience to give quality advice or run ads well. There are SO MANY nuances they just don't understand or care about.
Frankly they just aren't incentivized to be helpful. They are incentivized to keep you paying.
I know that successful Facebook ads can be run in 4hrs/month by you after you understand the basics and get a couple months with an expert to iterate.
Here are the benefits of working with us:
- Put the "Agency fees" back in your pocket forever
- Take back control of your marketing
- Your ads should run better
- You'll spend less time in meetings
- You'll have more peace and less stress
If this sounds good, just message me and let's talk!