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Creating And Presenting Service Offers That Sell (Janine Coombes)
Jan 10, 2023
🎥 Janine Coombes on Creating The Right Offerings
May 04, 2022

Hello! Fancy seeing you here. If you're a coach, consultant or mentor working mainly 1:1 with clients and you want to double your income without slogging your guts out, then you're in the right place!

Does this sound familiar:

😬 You want to earn more, but you're already working as hard as you want thank you very much.

So how do you do it without creeping into burn out territory?

😬 You’re beavering away with lots of clients, marketing goes on the back burner then your leads dry up. #SqueakyBumTime

😬 You've been at this for years and you feel like you have found your niche to an extent, but you still can't articulate clearly enough why someone should choose you.

Funnily enough, I have something to help you with this!

Together we'll:

✅ Get clear on your super niche (No, not another ICA exercise. This is niching but not as you know it.)

✅ Lift that cap off your earning potential by making your main 1:1 offer more effective in all senses of the word.

✅ Perfect your lowest effort, most fun promotion machine that you can keep running even when you're busy with client work.

Sound interesting?

Well stop right there, thank you very much, I only work for a special group of people:

✨ Established coaches, consultants and mentors

✨ Who don't have issues being visible

✨ Who have worked with at least 30 people, at least 5 of which were so fab you wish you could clone them.

DM me to find out more.
