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How CEOs Can Create a Thriving Culture with Jason Duncan
Feb 22, 2024
Podcast Episode
How CEOs Can Create a Thriving Culture with Jason Duncan
Nov 08, 2023
Podcast Episode

Meet The Real Jason Duncan - a best-selling author, TEDx speaker, podcaster, speaker, and coach on a mission to help 100,000 entrepreneurs find true success and balance. With over a decade of experience as the founder of one of America's fastest-growing privately held companies, Jason knows what it takes to build a profitable business in under 10 hours a week.

Jason's proven method, #ExitWithoutExiting, is all about breaking free from the daily grind of business operations so that you can focus on what truly matters in life. Through his mastermind program, The Exiter Club, his internationally-syndicated podcast, The Root of All Success, and his book "Exit Without Exiting," Jason shares his wealth of knowledge and experience to help others achieve their own success.

But Jason's mission goes beyond just helping entrepreneurs succeed. He's committed to helping 10,000 people escape poverty and mediocrity through entrepreneurship. To further this mission, he plans to start a nonprofit organization with the help of his mastermind group.

Jason is a family man based in Nashville, Tennessee, who loves spending time with his high school sweetheart and their two grown children. In his free time, you'll find him riding motorcycles and camping. His dedication to empowering others and his wealth of knowledge and experience make him a valuable asset to the entrepreneurial community.

Most importantly, Jason is a passionate and dedicated professional who loves Jesus.

Follow Jason on Instagram @therealjasonduncan

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