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NinjaCat's Successful Journey to a Four-Day Schedule
May 23, 2023

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NinjaCat's Successful Journey to a Four-Day Schedule
May 23, 2023

"I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it." - Pablo Picasso

I'm here to make awesome stuff. I believe in surrounding yourself with great people and fitting them together to make great teams that accomplish great things. I've had a rewarding career in technology and I'm hoping this train ride isn't even close to ending. I love to challenge thinking and ideas to help craft better solutions to interesting problems. I am also a firm believer in the fact that personality types are a key ingredient in understanding yourself and your team better. I'm an ENTP and I fancy myself naturally creative and endlessly curious. I love to create things, I love to laugh, and I am always working towards being a better human.

I recently took a break from my professional management & leadership career to reinvest myself in hands-on software development by attending the Turing School of Software and Design. This particular career move was something I decided to do because my roles of the past 10 years had taken on more and more of a people management look, which got me further and further away from where my passion for technology started. In the process, I reconnected with what it means to be a software engineer and create things, which is something I missed greatly since getting into management & leadership.
