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How Flowbird increased business by 23%
Sep 25, 2023
Case Study

Growing your business and retaining customers, doesn't have to be a difficult thing.

Salespeople are good at selling and dealing with prospects or customers who are keen and ready to purchase. Salespeople are good with active and hot leads but customer retention should be a joint sales and marketing responsibility.

So how do you nurture your sales leads and retain customers?

Let's deal with lead nurture first. Initially, when you receive a new sales enquiry your salespeople are all over this lead. And this is the way it should be. However, if at any stage in your well-defined sales process (if you don't have a well-defined sales process we should talk), the lead becomes cooler and isn't ready to purchase then the salesperson loses interest and moves onto the next hot lead. Is the lead totally lost? Of course not.

Introducing sales lead nurture. Using a combination of CRM and marketing automation, the lead is now moved into a nurturing process which will maintain contact, using a mixture of channels to keep this previously interested lead on the back burner. Remember, you've already paid a lot for this lead so it's worth nurturing until they are ready to purchase or their interest levels have increased again. When this happens, alert the salesperson to make another call and begins the sales process again.

Let's discuss retaining customers. Personally, this is my favourite topic as I'm a great believer that you can grow your business from within by growing the value of your customers. This could be a mixture of product or service development or just offering customers more of what you already do.

How to retain customers? The simplest answer is regular communication! Sounds simple but the majority of prospects I talk to don't have a plan in place to ensure that customers are communicated with on a regular basis. If you want to discuss these matters please call me on 01233 743240

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