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Savage Marketer Focuses on Creating Processes For Hiring Your Own Virtual Assistants.
Jul 29, 2023
Podcast Episode

Have a thriving business and can't seem to keep up?

I supercharge high-performers with Virtual Assistants & Artificial Intelligence so that they can get more done every day -- and still have time for themselves!

Because in a time where everyone is overworked and burning themselves out, people often wonder how highly productive people still get things done…

(HINT: It’s not by doing everything themselves)

And if you’re like most business owners, you’re probably working anywhere from 50-75 hours a week…while STILL finding yourself behind on emails and endless tasks that you hate.

Instead, why not refocus your attention to working ON your business instead of IN it?

Because let’s face it, you could accomplish more if you weren’t busy being your own secretary and social media manager...

You could be spending more time with your family…

Or you could be spending more time focusing on work you truly enjoy doing…

Whatever it is, you can better utilize your time by handing over the stuff that you don’t want to do… to a reliable AI-Powered Executive Assistant that actually loves to do it.

At VA Staffer, we’ve finally harnessed the true potential of Executive Assistants and Artificial Intelligence - with over 250+ concurrent leaders we serve all over the world.

We’ve figured out what methods and strategies work best for high-performing leaders like you, and it’s become a seamless process to give people a renewed sense of time and freedom.

So if you find yourself working alone, buried in the day-to-day of your business…

Or if you aren’t fully utilizing A.I. or the systems that you’ve already put in place…

Why not increase the time you spend on moving the money needle while your virtual assistant handles the rest (email marketing, social media management, lead generation, etc.)?

You might feel a bit guilty at first - handing over the work you’re used to doing yourself, but remember…

The secret of highly productive people is that they don’t do everything themselves.

So think carefully about how you spend your most valuable asset… your time…

Because if you find yourself drowning in work and feel like you can’t keep up, then it’s time to start removing the biggest roadblock in your business.


To Freedom,
Jeff J Hunter

👑The King of Outsourcing |

podcast episode