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Fostering Community and Growth: How TBREIA Improved Their Adaptability to Better Serve Members with Glue Up
Dec 27, 2023
Case Study

Jennifer is the Investment Manager for JH Capital Partners and is actively involved in all aspects of acquisition, investor relations, fund administrations, investment presentations, and marketing. While concentrating on investor relations deliverables and managing the relationship between the company and our investors, she is also responsible for cultivating investor relationships and raising capital to fund the acquisition of JH Capital Partner properties. Jennifer ensures relationships with investors, the company, and the property are the best fit to maximize the experience and opportunity. She communicates with investors to keep them abreast of current and upcoming investments.
Prior to joining JH Capital Partners, Jennifer ran her own single family (SFH) homes investment company in the Tampa Bay, Florida market, that focused on wholesaling and flipping homes. She has leveraged her vast network of real estate professionals, investors, brokers, JV partners, lenders, and buyers to achieve a close ratio of 95% in the SFH space. Jennifer is an expert in building and cultivating relationships and is well known in her market for being a connector and real maker!
Along with the BFA she earned in digital art and technology, which gave her an edge in marketing aspect of Real Estate, she is also actively involved and works closely with the largest REIA in the Tampa Bay area giver her exposes to a wide network of professionals, that has been a great asset to her transition in the CRE and Multi Family space. Additionally, she has sharpened her skill set in the Multi Family space by taken rigorous courses in Multi Family syndication, investment, and fund-raising campaign.
While I am no longer a designer by profession, I have accumulated 20+ years experience in the field and my love of design continues on a personal basis.

Specialties: Property Acquisition, Market Analysis, Graphic Design, Branding, Advertising Design, Marketing, Custom Graphics, Quickbooks

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