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Five ways artificial intelligence is accelerating the auto industry's green shift
Dec 06, 2023

I am passionate about bringing sustainable value through innovation. At Google Cloud I support select accounts to reimagine their business, unleash their potential using cloud solutions, and support them in accelerating their digital transformation journey.

My dedication for sustainability and digitalization made me become involved in politics and social movements at an early age. Studying Philosophy, Politics, and Economics helped me to understand and reflect social interrelations better and motivated me to learn more about entrepreneurship.

By seeking profound opportunities of building a better world for people I moved to Israel and became involved in the startup ecosystem. I am collaborating with the most promising start-ups, supporting them in finding the right partners for their innovation abroad.

Combining my experiences in entrepreneurship, politics, and academia, I lead transformation processes. As Global Account Executive I support select customers and partners to find new ways of solving unique challenges utilizing the potential of Google Cloud. I am eager to deliver the most helpful distributed infrastructure, data, analytics, AI/ML, security, and further useful enterprise solutions to become resilient and future ready.

Let's accelerate ideas, uncover new opportunities, and find creative solutions for your digital transformation!

Feel free to contact me via:
