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Best Times to Post on Social Media in 2021
Mar 08, 2021

Does this sound familiar? 🤔

➡️ You’re desperate to get a better handle on your organization’s digital presence.

➡️ People (both fans and critics) have strong opinions about your work, and you need a trusted way to detect problematic mentions before they snowball out of hand.

➡️ You have a multitude of accounts (legitimate and not) across a sprawling range of online platforms.

➡️ You’re tasked with strategically leveraging each one to manage the brand’s reputation.

➡️ Resources are limited, bandwidth is thin, and attention is divided among other priorities.

Even if you have an agency partner to help with marketing or communications, there’s no clear support internally or externally for the tricky digital platforms that require a close eye, an ethical approach, and years of experience in order to get right. ❌

⚡️ Cue my team at Lumino ⚡️

We help large organizations like yours manage and monitor their digital presence, including social media (especially LinkedIn), Wikipedia, job review sites like Glassdoor, and the blackholes of YouTube and Reddit.

Get in touch at for a FREE consultation. 📣
