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The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
Sep 28, 2023
Case Study

Creative, versatile producer-editor-writer of engaging content for digital venues including websites, newsletters, social media, and more. Skilled at conceptualizing, creating, packaging, and assembling multimedia content with eye-grabbing design and attention-getting language. Also provides voiceover and onscreen talent.

Adeptly adapts complex concepts into easily understood layman's terms, in every form from tweets to compelling. click-driving headlines to extended features. Readily grasps the intended audience and edits with appropriate style, comprehension and persuasiveness when necessary. Able to refine and polish content to achieve greater clarity and style in a more concise package. Proofreader-level copy editing ability, from grammar and style issues to nuances of accuracy and interpretation. Solid sense of usability, assessing functionality, aesthetics, navigation, eye flow, and the like.

A quick master of many Web and text editing programs, content management systems, and email marketing platforms, including Ektron, Drupal, Eloqua, HootSuite, Office (MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint), Adobe Contribute, Dreamweaver, Acrobat, Photoshop, SnagIt, Quark, and similar tools. Extensive HTML experience.

Specialties: Chicago and AP style expertise.
Skilled in HTML; familiar with cascading style sheets, Java, other Web hard-coding.
Often figures out workarounds that achieve desired results and meet critical deadlines.
Driven by the pursuit of quality in everything I produce.

"We are going to relentlessly chase perfection, knowing full well we will not catch it, because nothing is perfect. But we are going to relentlessly chase it, because in the process we will catch excellence. I am not remotely interested in just being good." — Vince Lombardi

case study