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Girlboss Professional Network Members Share Their Best Marketing Tips
Jun 18, 2019

I am a curious creative techie and design-minded entrepreneur that loves architecting strategies to launch new products and businesses, and my passion for innovation fuels experimentation in my work and in the creation of content/resources to inspire and facilitate it in the everyday.

I have not followed a linear path in my education nor career — I’ve lived many professional lives in the entertainment, beauty product development, hospitality, health & wellness, consumer lifestyle tech, and sustainability industries.

I’ve combined my passion for creative strategy/design, my post-grad education and experience in full-stack development and as a COO, and my background in marketing and entrepreneurial management into my process as a founder, strategist, creator/maker, and advisor to provide truly unique value.

I work at my best as a portfolio entrepreneur, and my projects,advisory, and creation of content/resources often give life to one another naturally and by design.
