Lead Conversation Architect 💬@ Knowmium: A Certified Climate Neutral/ Certified B Corp
Conversations matter. If we are what we say, what do your interactions say about you?
Whether presenting to a meeting or conference audience, negotiating a new contract face-to-face or via VC, or moving minds within your organization: the way we wield words is constantly opening and closing possibilities around us. When a door shuts, we have this sense that the encounter has led almost inevitably to that moment— but every conversation is multiple possible conversations. Small framing pivots, tiny perspective choices that demonstrate true engagement, can shape entirely new avenues for growth. At Knowmium, we study the "how" of deeper talk— unpacking fossilized speech patterns and crafting new habits that build trust and collaboratively solve problems.
For research, consulting, or training inquiries please email: joshua@knowmium.com or call +852 9664 0988(Hong Kong).
Knowmium is carbon neutral and dedicates 10% of its hours to pro-bono NGO/non-profit work.
Originally from Honolulu, Hawaii, Joshua Davies has spent the last 20 years working internationally, with the last 15 based in Asia. He has trained, researched, and consulted professionally in: South Korea, Japan, Australia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Hong Kong, China, Nepal, the Philippines, Thailand, India, Bangladesh, Egypt, Nigeria, South Africa, Sweden, Spain, Georgia, Ukraine, Russia, UAE, UK, USA, the Czech Republic, Switzerland, and Brazil.
Trail runner. Boardgamer. Book junkie. Vegetarian. :)