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6 Practical Ways to Use AI for Sales (+14 Examples)
Oct 20, 2023

Let's face it; you're not here for my life story.

You're here to grow your business.

But if you want the short version, here it is.

Let’s wind the clocks back a bit.

Right now, I'm sitting in my rented bedroom.

With one week's rent saved up.

I sell my beloved car. Most of my belongings.

And decide to go all in.

To start a digital marketing agency.

Because although I'm juggling two jobs.

I'm sick of the 9 to 5.

Wasting my life away.

I know I'm destined for more than this.

And on the outside, I'm driven to build a successful business.

Become famous. Who knows.

But deep down, I want more.

I yearn for financial independence.

A life where I'm not lying awake, wondering how to pay the next bill.

In the past, I explored a lot of business ideas.

But they often left me more drained and in debt.

Fast forward two years, and there's hope.

My agency is finally showing potential.

More leads.

More sales.

Better locations.

Higher reputation.

Yet, this growing success brings its own set of challenges.

Hours turn into days, days into weeks.

The relentless pressure of managing the agency is testing every fiber of my being.

Seeing the city lights of Melbourne from our fancy new office remind me that it's worth it.

But they also remind me of the growing distance from my personal life.

It's clear that something's got to give.

With 70-hour work weeks, it's not just the business at stake, but my health and personal relationships.

The universe, in its own mysterious way, drops an unexpected event into my life.

It shakes my core and forces me to evaluate everything.

So I made one of the most difficult decisions of my life.

I left.

Sold my shares. Got out.

Moved to the other side of the country.

I can't tell you why.

But it gave me the push I needed.

It's during this break that I discover the magic of consulting.

This isn't just another venture for me; it feels like a fresh start.

Call it the universe.

The law of attraction.

Or whatever you want.

But I start attracting clients.

A lot of clients.

From all over the planet.

Won a bunch of awards.

And have been doubling the business every year.

Now, my life is different.

But I still remember those long nights.

Stressed out.

Had no money.

Relationship difficulties.

And really not sure where my next paycheck would come from.

I've come a long way.

And I want to help others too.

To fulfil their dreams. To make that difficult decision.

That's why I'm here. That's what gives me purpose in life.

Anyway, enough about me.

I want to hear about you.
