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White-Label PPC Services For Agencies With Justin Rondeau
Jan 24, 2023
Podcast Episode

I’m a professional who is constantly surprised, fascinated by these surprises, and on a mission to be surprised again.

Did you follow that? Here’s what I mean:

If someone asked me 10 years ago what I’d be doing with my career, I never in a million years would have guessed that I would have found myself running a marketing department with the mission to help double the size of 10,000 businesses.



Well, I was the stereotypical liberal arts major and thought marketing and sales were ICKY and had no place as a part of my life.

But I found out how fascinating and fulfilling it is to deconstruct marketing puzzles using data, creativity, and technology. In marketing, I found a more fulfilling (and better paying) way to satisfy curiosity with the end result of growing companies.

The surprises don’t stop!


If someone asked me 5 years ago whether I thought sales had any place in my professional ecosystem, I would have said “Oh HELL no!”

But surprise, surprise…

I quickly learned that bridging the gap between sales and marketing was a new business puzzle worth tackling and I’ll approach it with data, creativity, and technology.

tl:dr I’m a tech-savvy marketer that runs toward change and loves puzzles.

podcast episode