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Email automation with ActiveCampaign is supposed to make running your business easier, right? So how come it often feels really hard? You keep missing out on the efficiency, extra free time, and ROI that ActiveCampaign promises because of:

👉 Steep learning curve
👉 Complicated help docs
👉 Poor account setup
👉 Slow ineffective support

➡️ Don’t worry - I’m here to get you up to speed fast and easy! 🏎️

Hi, I'm Kay, a world-leading ActiveCampaign Consultant & Training Specialist (aka the Queen of Active Campaign), who loves to help businesses up their marketing automation game.

With my teaching background and ActiveCampaign obsession, I've made conquering this software easy, fast, and genuinely fun for businesses of all sizes.

I'm on the Customer Advisory Board for ActiveCampaign, and even other consultants come to me for strategy advice and training! 🙌

After a career break to raise kids and deal with disability, a great friend introduced me to ActiveCampaign. I fell in love with what it could do, then started coaching others to use it, and realised everyone was dealing with the same set of problems.

👉 You’re drowning in admin,
👉 So you buy ActiveCampaign to speed things up
👉 But ActiveCampaign’s own onboarding and support isn’t amazing,
