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Observe and optimize multicloud environments with the Dynatrace Clouds app
Feb 17, 2024

An experienced technological executive passioned for technology and business alike.
I work with the top AWS EMEA strategic customers, focusing on the container tech strategy with-in their application modernisation journey. My 20 years of experience (9 in AWS) and multiple roles I took allows me to look at technology in multiple dimensions (including business acumen, ROI, TCO, IP...).
I adore mechanisms, particularity ones that contrib. to scale, and known in writing those (Narratives) in aim to achieve impact in scale with clear measurements and success KPIs.
I also invest a lot of my time in building internal technical communities, content, tech-mentoring programs which contrib. to peer career progress and organisational scale.

Over the past year I am focusing on leading the Container networking domain with my team.
Networking has always been my passion, and container networking is second to that. I create content and speak about container networking and considered an expert in this domain.

When asked what's your role, I always say I am that person who loves to start with "Why do you want to do this?" in any initial architecture design sessions.
