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Overcoming Impostor Syndrome with Kris Kelso
Feb 22, 2024
Podcast Episode
Overcoming Impostor Syndrome with Kris Kelso
Oct 13, 2023
Podcast Episode

At my core, I'm a teacher and a coach. I love helping people learn, understand, and apply new ideas that will help them grow. I do that in multiple ways: as a keynote speaker, as an author, and as a coach and consultant to entrepreneurs and their leadership teams.

My first book, “Overcoming The Impostor: Silence Your Inner Critic and Lead with Confidence”, was published in January 2021 (get a free sample chapter at, and has been expanded as an online course and several live group coaching and training programs.

I'm a professional speaker, unraveling the keys to leading with Humble Confidence and building healthy communities for audiences around the world.

I'm certified as a leadership coach, and I've worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs, business owners, and leadership teams.

I'm the Dean of Entrepreneurship at the Professional Christian Coaching Institute, a Growth Coach at Heroic Public Speaking, an advisor and instructor at the Nashville Entrepreneur Center, and a contributing writer for publications including Fast Company, Authority Magazine, Yahoo Finance, and The Nashville Business Journal.

I've also founded multiple companies and have served on the boards of directors of several non-profit organizations. I'm an active member of Cornerstone Nashville, where I serve as a board member and elder, teach classes, and coach other leaders.

I've developed a Reading List for Entrepreneurs, which you can find at

@kriskelso on Clubhouse, Instagram, and Twitter
@thekriskelso on Facebook

More links and resources at

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