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Good Things Come to Those Who Persist-Just Ask Lesley Thornton
Mar 17, 2023

For nearly a decade I have concentrated on helping others achieve skin wellness through personalized treatments and the creation of products defined by simplicity and usability. As an esthetician and formulator, I've always treated people with a complete approach to skin health; prioritizing minimalistic regimens that deliver multiple benefits and long-term results. This philosophy eventually led me to formulate a modest range of offerings for a devoted clientele of over 2500 people.

With expert training and hands-on experience, I was able to document the effects of various ingredients and formulations on diverse skin conditions and ethnicities.

We are an independent, self-funded, woman-owned and operated company. We believe that sustainability not only means addressing the long-term impact on our ecosystem but that we must also make products that meet the demands of everyday life.

My hope is for you to experience the same luxurious results and enjoyment through simplification. Thus demonstrating skin wellness can be achieved with well-considered, clean products and minimal maintenance.
