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How BBMG added 500 engaged subscribers to its newsletter in less than 6 months
Sep 25, 2023
Case Study

I have made a career of helping creators and brands connect with consumers in a meaningful way around their passions, be it indie rock, food, crafting, sustainable design, snowboarding, motherhood or fighting for social change. I've helped grow start-ups and big accounts on Madison Avenue, and now I’m proud to say I work at a certified B Corporation where I get to bring my personal values to my work and help brands use their reach and influence to repair the ills of the capitalist system we're all trying to thrive under.

My writing includes thought leadership for BBMG, content marketing for freelance clients, and personal essays for State 14 and BUST.

When I'm not at my desk, you'll find me being a mom, an amateur permaculture gardener, a sometimes musician and a rural community leader-of-sorts.

case study