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Unlocking Transparent Identification: Maximizing conversions for the retail holiday surge
Aug 03, 2023
Unlocking Transparent Identification: Maximizing conversions for the retail holiday surge
Aug 03, 2023

Experienced SaaS Sales Leadership Specialist and Startup Strategy Generalist/COO. I'm a lover of high-growth (i.e. chaotic/stressful) environments, strategy, operations, and technology. Passionate about ideating, building a data-driven plan, getting executive buy-in, and executing the plan with my team -- or doing it myself!

I enjoy:
Building & Executing Against OKRs
Strategic Long-Term Plan Development
Selling into all Verticals/Sizes (SMB-ENT)
Thriving in an Autonomous & Nebulous Role
Hiring & Mentoring Cross-Functional Teams
Finding Simple Solutions to Complex Problems
Developing Culture from Scratch
Growing Profit Margin through Efficiencies
Delivering Executive-Level Client Presentations
Owning Investor Relations & Presentations
Owning P&L & Cashflow Management
