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How to Hire the Best Cyber Security Incident Response Team
Jul 18, 2024

Hi, I'm Luke Pearson, and I work in CyberSecurity, with a focus on digital forensics and incident response (DFIR). I've helped companies of all shapes and sizes handle incidents and tighten up their security; from those in the Fortune 100, through various military and police organisations, to healthcare and smaller businesses.

I LOVE investigations and incident response, both as an investigator and as incident lead. Analysing artifacts, pulling indicators out of evidence sets, or leveraging the expertise of others to track attackers through digital landscapes is what gets me out of bed in the morning. Surround me with intelligent people, put a problem in front of us, and I'm living the dream.

Apart from the hands-on stuff, I also like teaching. I share what I know at events public events (previously in Black Hat Asia, B-Sides and AvengerCon, amoung others) or in private sessions. I try to consistently tailor my speaking and teaching to my audience, and the feedback I've received indicates I'm fairly successful.

But it's not just about the technical side for me. I also enjoy helping companies do well overall. I lead executive tabletop sessions, going beyond the tech to help the whole business succeed. My main goal is to support and teach my community, whether it's creating challenges for colleagues, participating in online discussion, or giving talks at conferences. I'm always part of educational projects, committed to sharing what I know.
