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Talent Sourcing Strategies to Find the Right Candidates Faster
Oct 26, 2023

Vice President, Lead Generation. This includes; introducing new technology platforms for sales and recruiting, integrating and building, managing our lead generation team (includes website, social technology, ATI system, posting and or pushing jobs to various platforms, budgeting, resume mining, helping to craft processes for use within the organization), sponsorship acquisition, event coordination, promotions, media relations, convention, meeting and event planning as well as the relationship, logical execution and management of trade shows and events.

Part of the executive leadership team for MyTherapyCompany and thru the merger with Cumberland, AlphaVista, Staffing Options & Solutions and Cobb Pediatric. Role thru June of 18 was Marketing Director, doing all of the Branding as well as the Lead Generation and technology.

Earlier on:
Part of the executive leadership team for the start-up of Progressus Therapy from 1999 to 2008.
- This included helping to build all departments along with branding, logo design, material design, technology integration, lead generation, social media platforms, website build and design, crafting processes and helping the company to grow.

Effective Communication
Time management
Technology Smart
Website Design
Lead Generation
Positive Attitude
