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Live Chat in the Manufacturing Industry: 7 Boosters for Better Business
Oct 16, 2023

I'm Maddy, a UX Designer with a background in design and business management. Passions include astrology, yoga, and books! I am a recent grad of Miami University, where I majored in Interactive Media Studies, basically a fancy term for Graphic Design & Digital Tech.

Going into college, I was unsure of what I wanted to do, but I knew that I wanted to make other people's lives easier. Coming from working at my local YMCA for 4 years, where I helped make parents out by taking care of their children, I learned how to interact with a variety of different people and keep everyone happy. When I learned about UX Design, a career where I could make others lives easier while using my passion for design, I knew that was where I was meant to be.

I'm currently looking for a Product Design or UX Design role where I can use my skills as a user advocate to help people in one of my areas of interest. Check out my portfolio at and reach out to me via LinkedIn if you want to hear more about my drive and ambition.

With Gratitude,
Maddy 😊
