Mark Abraham

Mark Abraham

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BCG features Lexer's CDP for 1-to-1 personalization

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BCG features Lexer's CDP for 1-to-1 personalization

I joined BCG in 2003 and founded our Global Personalization business. We are now a team of hundreds of marketers, data scientists, martech experts and change management consultants who help brands deliver 1:1 breakthough customer experiences.

I also lead BCG's Marketing & Sales Practice in North America, working with CEOs, CMOs and CxOs on their toughest business challenges.

Outside of BCG, I am a proud dad of two young boys and an avid hiker who likes to go off the grid in the Pacific NorthWest, New Zealand, Australia and Alaska to unplug. I grew up across three continents in Europe, China and US, learned five languages and love meeting new people across cultures.
