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Evolution of Digital Signage at Events: Live Display
Jan 27, 2016
Feedback Gathering at Events [Best Practices]
Jan 15, 2016
Event Kick-Off - 4 Quick Tips to Energize Yours!
Jan 05, 2016
Responsive Events: Designing the Experience Around Crowdsourced Content
Nov 20, 2015
Event Gamification: Making an Impact in the Hearts and Minds of Your Attendees
Oct 22, 2015
7 Great Ways to Make Your Event LGBT-Friendly
Jun 11, 2015

As a content designer, copywriter, and content strategist I help navigate complexity, build consensus,
and ultimately create better experiences. Whether it's product-focused or marketing-focused, I'm comfortable tackling the problem or opportunity from the ground up or taking it as far as I can when given constraints. I thrive in collaboration with product designers and other UX-related jobs like researchers, product managers, data analysts, engineers, marketers, and customer operations. I enjoy tapping into emotion with a strong headline and addressing goals and fears in solid body copy. I also enjoy finding and addressing product problems or opportunities to deliver value to the user.

I started my content design journey with Intuit in Sydney 2017 working on content for in-product flows and marketing campaigns. Intuit was relatively new in Australia so driving awareness and finding product-market fit were the top business goals. I applied my copywriting background to marketing UX and quickly fell in love with UX design, research, and product development.

After Syndey, I continued with Intuit in Canada going deep on my UX marketing craft. I lead the content design for landing pages, product launches, drip emails, digital ads, print ads, event collateral, and IA refreshes. I also worked closely with freelancers and agencies to help them produce brand-appropriate work. Context switching was a daily requirement while supporting multiple products including QuickBooks Online, QuickBooks Self-Employed, QuickBooks Enterprise, QuickBooks for Accountants, ProFile, and Pro Tax.

At Shopify I sharpened my product content craft. Fundamentally changing the way products work was an exciting and rewarding challenge. I developed my UX research muscle to not only help make decisions but also derisk projects. Understanding why we were doing what we're doing built trust and brought the team closer together Creating design principles, sketching diagrams, establishing naming, adding structure, and using messaging hierarchies or frameworks helped myself and other UXers to design in the same direction.

I lead content critique groups for both product and marketing content designers. Creating a safe environment to give and receive constructive feedback is a skill I’m proud to bring out of my time at Shopify.
